Wow, that was a great trip! I see why the Milkweed Bug recommended I tag along on one of their trips. I'm going to tell my friends to wait around for an opportunity to take a trip. Oh, by the way, the Mrs. finally got a picture of me by accident. She was getting out of the car and pushed the shutter button when the camera was aimed down at the grass. Sure enough, I was in the picture frame. She can't figure out where this picture came from, but we know. Shhhh.... don't tell!
Oh yeah, as far as the trailer goes, you should hear how Flat Stanley carried on when he found out that trailer is never coming back. The Mr. and the Mrs. didn't want two trailers anymore, so they left that trailer in Arizona.
Monday, February 23, 2015
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Uh.... What is going on?
Flat Stanley just noticed they are back in California. He wants to know why they didn't go back to get the trailer with his favorite bunk. Flat Stanley is very irritated.
Watson Lake
The Mr. and the Mrs. took Flat Stanley for a short morning hike at Watson Lake. It was beautiful! However, it was super cold...... 43 degrees! The Mrs. had to hold Flat Stanley's hand through the thumb hole of her shirt because she was hiding her hands from the cold. The Mr. really liked the driftwood.
El Charro
Dinner at El Charro looked yummy! I heard the Mrs. tell the Mr. she thought it was weird that their server gave them a pitcher of water because you have to ask for a glass of water in California.
Firehouse Plaza
The Mr. and the Mrs. and Flat Stanley visited the Firehouse Plaza. Flat Stanley really liked the fire hydrants behind the plaza. The Mr. helped him get his picture taken with the hydrants. I tried to sneak in, but I just couldn't manage it.
Saturday, February 21, 2015
We made it to Prescott and met some people. I am so tired from the day that I will have to share our adventures with you tomorrow.
Pump Hog
No, this is not our truck. Can you believe this? Somebody left his truck with the hose in it (not pumping gas) and is eating in the store. HOW RUDE!! Of course, the Mr. and the Mrs. and Flat Stanley had to take a picture. I tried to get in so you could meet me, but I missed the shot.
You should hear Flat Stanley! He doesn't understand why they are leaving his trailer here. He didn't even get to sleep on his favorite bunk. I wonder if it's the tire problem. I keep listening, but nobody is saying anything about why the trailer isn't going with us. I did hear the Mr. say they were headed to Prescott after getting gas, so maybe they are coming back for the trailer later. Goodbye nice people!
Flat Stanley didn't know what to think about these animals. I don't know either. They sure look real, but they didn't move.... not a bit!
Yummy homemade pizza for dinner at the nice people's house. Milkweed Bug sure got a raw deal on his trip! I lucked out. No complaining from anybody about food this trip!
The Tires
The Mrs. climbed under the trailer to check out the blown tire that the Mr. put back on the spare hook. YIKES!! They noticed another tire ready to blow out. Oh no! Time for new tires!
Praying Monk
I heard the nice man tell the Mr. and the Mrs. that this mountain is called "The Praying Monk" because it looks like there is a praying monk on it. Do you see the praying monk?
Covered Wagon
Flat Stanley just had to get his picture taken with this covered wagon. If you ask me, I would say it doesn't look covered to me.
Native American
The Mrs. got super excited (and I mean super excited) about this teepee and totem pole. She said something about some third graders she teaches we're going to like these pictures.
Cave Creek
The nice lady took the Mr. and the Mrs. to Cave Creek. It was so awesome! The Mrs. took some fun picture. Flat Stanley had a ball!
Friday, February 20, 2015
Lunch and a Great Day
We met this lady at lunch today. The nice lady took us to a little town. I am tired from the excitement, so I'll share the fun we had today in the morning.
Seems to be Our Destination
We arrived at the home of some nice people. Check out the Saguaro Cactus in their front yard. I heard the nice lady say that Saguaro Cactus don't get their first arm until they are 75 years old. You should look up information about this cactus. I did, and it was interesting! Nice people for sure, but I still haven't figured out why we are here. Maybe they are friends with the Mr. and the Mrs..

Rolling.... sort of
Breakfast is finished, and they are on the road again. Wow, check out the traffic! Looks the same as California to me!
Milkweed Bug told me of a hotel the Mr. and the Mrs. stayed at in Iowa on the Indianna trip. Last night's hotel was like that! Okay, I get why they had to stay in the Iowa hotel, but what's the deal last night? I would say they forgot they have an RV behind their truck, but I saw the Mrs. write "truck and RV" on the hotel paperwork. Besides, Flat Stanley was having such a fit about his bunk that it would be hard not to remember. I don't get these people!
The Mr. and the Mrs. are pulling a perfectly good trailer behind their truck. WHY are they pulling into a hotel parking lot? Flat Stanley is not happy!
Flat Tire
Well, right in the middle of the beginning and end of nowhere, the trailer got a flat. There was a noise and then a bumpy ride as the Mr. Pulled over to the side of the road. He checked the tires, and one of the tires was blown out. The Mrs. called AAA, but they wouldn't help with a trailer tire. So, the Mr. found some rocks and a piece of wood to help him get the tire off the road to change it. He used the truck jack to lift the trailer up off the tire. Luckily, he had a spare. The Mrs. helped, so she wasn't taking pictures! They fixed the tire and are back on the road. Flat Stanley was zero help. He slept through the whole event!
Thursday, February 19, 2015
I saw this sign, so I know we are in Arizona already. Hooray! Flat Stanley can't wait to sleep on his bunk.
A few hours ago, we stopped for dinner. I was a little worried because Milkweed Bug warned me about the Mr. and the Mrs. food stops on the Indiana trip. Flat Stanley was very happy it was KFC!
Wow, check out this traffic! Do you see that semi truck just in front of the white van? That truck driver was RUDE! He laid on his horn and hogged the road! The Mr. wasn't happy, but he was laughing at the silliness of that truck driver. I think the truck driver's dog was laughing, too, because he was barking his head off. Flat Stanley was mumbling something about he should have driven. Oh yes, this is going to be fun!
The Day has Arrived
I am SO excited! Do you know how long I have waited for this moment? I see Flat Stanley on the Mr.'s door, and I heard him carrying on about how much he missed this trailer. Flat Stanley likes the ATC Trailer and all, but he sure missed his bunk bed! They're off now, and I am hiding on board.
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Can't Wait!
I am so excited because I heard the Mr. and the Mrs. talking recently, and they are heading for Arizona with Flat Stanley on board. Ever since Milkweed Bug told me about his trip to Indiana with the Mr. and the Mrs., I have been hanging around waiting for an opportunity to tag along on a trip. I'm sorry, but I heard from Milkweed Bug that I can't show you who I am until the Mrs. accidentally gets a picture of me. Milkweed Bug assures me that it's impossible not to get in a picture because she loves to take lots and lots of pictures. I already saw her getting the camera ready to take, so soon enough you will know me. I haven't heard why they are going to Arizona, but I know they leave tomorrow evening. I can't wait!
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